M.E. Awareness NZ

M.E. Awareness NZ is a national collective of People with ME* and our carers and supporters. We exist to increase awareness of this debilitating disease and to improve the lives of those affected by it.

*ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) is also known in New Zealand as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Tapanui Flu, or ME/CFS.


How to Engage with Us

Join our M.E. Awareness NZ closed Facebook community, which is where we connect and coordinate our ME advocacy and awareness efforts.

Follow our public Facebook page where we share information about ME and stories of New Zealanders.

If Instagram or Twitter is more your thing there are links above and below.

If you would like to receive our email updates please click here to subscribe.

Or you can email us at m.e.awareness.nz@gmail.com.


Our Strategic Intent


Our vision is that all People with ME in Aotearoa New Zealand have equitable and flexible access to compassionate and appropriate care and respectful support, allowing them to achieve their best possible quality of life.


Our mission is to raise awareness of ME in New Zealand and to create change in the New Zealand health and education systems, research institutions, public domain, and all relevant government sectors.  


  • We recognise and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi by seeking to embody the principles of partnership, participation, and protection in our work for both Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti with ME. 

  • We work together in the spirit of collaboration, compassion, creativity, openness, inclusiveness, and purpose.

  • We advocate for fairness - with integrity, passion, and professionalism.

  • We uphold the dignity and respect of those we are fighting for and believe in the principle of “nothing about us without us”.

  • We are guided by critical thinking and best-practice research.



    We encourage the building of a strong, connected national community of People with ME, their carers and their supporters who are actively engaged in pursuing our mission.


    We educate the public and all those involved with the care and support of People with ME by sharing quality research, evidence-based information, the real stories of New Zealanders living with ME, and other relevant material. 


    We advocate for the rights of People with ME in New Zealand at multiple levels in various sectors including but not limited to: government, health, education, social services, disability services, research, and the general public. Key focuses are: 

    We engage with these sectors to create positive change so that People with ME are enabled to achieve their best possible quality of life.

    We seek recognition of the historical context of ME in New Zealand. 

    We seek increased funding for quality ME research in New Zealand.


    We build and maintain a network of allies, and work in partnership with organisations and individuals in New Zealand and internationally.