Upcoming Conferences of Interest
My Health Hub NZ Webinar - A practical approach to ME/CFS - 23 Feb 2022
Dr Cathy Stephenson presents a practical approach to understanding, assessing and managing Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
For more info and to register: myhealthhub.co.nz/myalgic-encephalomyelitis-chronic-fatigue-syndrome
IACFSME Clinical and Scientific conference - 27-30 July 2022
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Submission Deadline - 23 March 2022
The conference will focus on the biomedical, public health, and behavioral aspects of ME/CFS and associated comorbidities. A portion of the meeting will also be devoted to COVID-19 and its relevance to ME/CFS research and clinical care.
International Research Symposium - Dates TBC 2022
Host is Emerge Australia
Sign up to register your interest.
Recorded Presentations about ME in NZ
The abnormal physiological response to exercise in ME/CFS, Dr Lynette Hodges, Research Seminar Series, Otago University, Christchurch Campus, 26th August 2021.
From harm to help - promoting an evidence based shift in our understanding of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dr Cathy Stephenson, RNZCGP General Practice Conference, 7th August 2021
Understanding the biological basis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and its sudden increase in public profile with COVID-19, Emeritus Professor Warren Tate, 2020 Brain Health Research Centre Lecture, Otago University, 23 November 2020
Past Conferences of Interest
ME/CFS International Conference - RID (Research Innovation and Discover), 16-17 Nov 2021
Virtual, hosted by National Centre for Neuorimmunology & Emerging Diseases (NCNED), Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
Recordings of selected presentations on www.facebook.com/NCNED/videos
IACFSME Virtual Conference - 19-21 August 2021
Hosted by the International Association for CFS/ME
Report on the presentations, by NZ GPs Dr Sarah Dalziel and Dr Rosamund Vallings
Recordings can be purchased from IACFSME after 13th Sep 2021.
Accelerating Research on ME/CFS - 4-5 April 2019
Recordings available.
Hosted by National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
ME/CFS International Research Symposium:
The Biomedical Basis Diagnosis, Treatment and Management - 12-15 March 2019
Conference Recordings and documents are available.
Symposium hosted by Emerge Australia in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.