national support
ANZMES is the national support organisation for people with ME/CFS in New Zealand.
NZcare4ME is a national support network for carers of young people with ME/CFS in New Zealand.
CFS/Fibro is a group for young adults in New Zealand with ME/CFS.
Rest Assured Respite Charitable Trust is working towards providing a place of respite for people with ME/CFS.
regional support
For regional support click on the tags on the map below, alternatively click here for a list.
We recommend that health professionals refer patients with ME to a local support group. The group may be able to provide information on a wide range of matters concerning ME, as well as arranging social groups, one-on-on support, support meetings and service referrals.
Not all regions have a support group, in this case, we recommend that ANZMES be the point of contact.
M.E. Awareness NZ is a national collective of individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), our carers, and other allies in New Zealand. We exist to increase public, medical and government awareness of this debilitating disease, and to ensure current evidence-based information is disseminated.
Join our M.E. Awareness NZ online Facebook community, which is where we connect and coordinate our ME advocacy and awareness efforts.
Follow our Facebook page where we share information about ME and stories of New Zealanders.
Dr Carolyn Wilshire, BSc, PhD, Victoria University Wellington Critique and reanalysis of the PACE Trial
Prof Warren Tate, MSc, PhD and colleagues, University of Otago. Investigating molecular changes and pathophysiological mechanisms of ME/CFS
Dr Lynette Hodges, PhD and colleagues, Massey University Physiological responses to exercise of ME/CFS and MS patients
Dr Don Baken, PhD and colleagues, Massey University Stigma in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and its association with functioning
Eiren Sweetman, Alex Noble, Christina Edgar, Angus Mackay, Amber Helliwell, Rosamund Vallings, Margaret Ryan and Warren Tate Current Research Provides Insight into the Biological Basis and Diagnostic Potential for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)